Jonathan specialises in helping fitness parents regain their confidence, by feeling sexy in a favourite outfit - while enjoying the foods they love.
Fitness parents are those who used to train three or more times per week before having kids and achieved many fitness feats, but now are struggling to regain the fitness, confidence and energy.
He has been a Fitness Coach for 14+ years now, and has helped hundreds of members achieve their goal. Jono has also helped rehabilitate more than one hundred members with injuries and mobility issues.
Jono is passionate about helping fitness parents because when you show up for yourself, you’re better equipped to show up for your little ones.
Trinh helps adults and children build a healthier relationship with food—without guilt, stress, or restriction—so families can enjoy mealtimes together while truly nourishing their bodies.
As a mindful nutrition coach, Trinh has helped countless families break free from dieting cycles, build sustainable habits, and balance healthy eating and real-life enjoyment.
Through mindful nutrition coaching for adults and taste training workshops for children, she empowers parents and kids to develop a positive, lifelong connection with food.
Trinh is passionate about guiding families toward food freedom because when you feel confident in your skin, you can show up as your best self in every aspect of life.